Autumn 2015: Sense and Sensibility
Martin recently directed a new production of Jessica Swale’s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility which was performed by LIPA third-year acting students at the Sennheiser Studio Theatre in Liverpool.
Jessica Swale’s incisive, witty, fast-moving yet fragile adaptation of this beloved classic is the intriguing and surprising story of the sisters who are hurtled from London to Devonshire and back again in pursuit of their dreams.
This full-blooded, fluid and cinematic production propels you from chandeliered ballroom to wind-swept heath to candle-lit parlour in a breath-taking second. Ahead of her time, Austen’s heroines are impulsive, bold and have fighting spirit. The women are in the driving seat and you’ll never look at a hero on horseback in quite the same way ever again.